My artist friend Niki Medlik and I walk and talk on headphones twice a week every Monday and Thursday. I am in London and she in Norwich. We worked together for many years at Thames and Hudson and began ‘trotting' together as a way of moving into the new space of being artist once we had stopped working full time.
I made this video during lockdown, struggling to find a way of being in this bewildering new space and continue to make sense of things and create. The homemade video on my phone allows you to enter into this experiment with myself. As a book designer, the juxtaposition and dialogue between words and images is interesting to me. Using my own voice to read a letter I had written to another artist seemed apt.
This video is called Dearest Trotter
I made this video for my colleagues at Slaughterhaus Print Studio in London to start a dialogue about my work called The Tears of Things, 2020 which was to be shown there in June but was cancelled due to lockdown.